So, to pass a bit of time & to see what others are doing, I was browsing a couple of other slot car racing groups around the world. Some interesting similarities & some differences obviously in the classes that are run & the rules around the classes. But one thing grabbed my attention when I was browsing the Austin Slot Car Club, in Texas, USA. This was their Track rules & etiquette guidelines. I thought it most illuminating & something that our club should seriously think about introducing asap.
I’ve included their guidelines below & come up with some slight edits that would be required to bring them more in line with our clubs nightly racing philosophy. My edits are in Bold & Italic.
See what you think…….
General Track Conduct Rules
Individuals who cannot behave within these guidelines will be asked to leave. - We can only hope !
I’ve included their guidelines below & come up with some slight edits that would be required to bring them more in line with our clubs nightly racing philosophy. My edits are in Bold & Italic.
See what you think…….
General Track Conduct Rules
- Do not climb on the track or driver stations – We might have to drop this one as Phil is often seen clambering over the top of the driver stations just about every time we run on his track
- Do not touch the track landscaping – sadly another we might have to strike off & this would prevent all marshalling. Most landscaping is “touched” or destroyed by the simple matter of putting a car back on the track !
- Do not go behind or under the track – I challenge anyone to get under any of our tracks.
- Do not pull the controller cords
- Do not set your controller on the track at any time - Hmmm
- Do not have drinks of any kind on or around the track – To be fair, this does only happen during post race supper
- All cars must run in the same direction - Hahahaha
- No unescorted minors below the age of 16 are allowed in the track area.
- No foul or abusive language. – Can anyone see any current issues with this ???
- No shouting. – Goodness me, we’d have no drivers left
- No intentional nerfing, rough or irresponsible driving that demonstrates a deliberate disregard for other competitors and their equipment. – “something, something .....sounds like Jolley”
- No “head hunting” – deliberately crashing into an opponent. – “something, something ......sounds like Jolley”
- Do not distract other drivers whether in your race or while spectating. – This is a legitimate tactic hey Callan !
- Be courteous to all racers, marshals, guests and shop personnel. - 😂
- Do not lean over the track in a manner that would block the other driver’s clear vision of the track. – Every bloody week !
- No car liveries can display any sexually explicit or otherwise distasteful wording or images. – So Adrians Fly Le Mans car will be banned?…..seriously it’s the only livery I look forward to seeing every 2 years
- Marshals are not allowed to talk to the drivers during a race. – Again…..does this ever not happen ?
- Marshals are not allowed to talk to the spectators during a race. – HAHAHAH….while cars are waiting to be marshalled perhaps ?
- Do not talk or distract the drivers. - Like encouraging them to drive faster, or letting them know how well they're doing ?
- Do not talk or distract the marshals. - Actually the Marshalls do a good enough job of that themselves .
- Do not talk or distract the Clerk of the course (Button marshal).
- Keep a clear distance from the drivers.
Individuals who cannot behave within these guidelines will be asked to leave. - We can only hope !